Eureka lets Zephyr in on a few things
Zac in his finest for the Film Festival Gala Thingamajig
Captured Audience
We were able to fire the nanny with all the help we get around here!
Child Labor in Arkansas.
Our typical Saturday night gig at the German Haus.
The Town Hippies helped us paint our cabinet
Eureka's first carousel ride with her Mimi
Eureka got her first job at Alltel selling phones. We are so happy for her!
Little Spud on the sofa
Four cousins in Greer, SC for great grandmother Smith's funeral
Eureka showin me a few licks on the ol' squeezebox
Eureka is about to show how much she loves her new brother
Thanksgiving Fish in Arkansas and the happy hungry family
We are the envy of our the neighborhood with our new indoor swing
We are trying to encourage Eureka to try many different things before choosing a career
Hey! What?
Eureka reads to her great grandmother Smith
Eureka does some alternative reading
The last peach of summer................
Whose cuter?
Family Literacy
Spud's forehead message reads, "Hooray! Slept all Night"- I am certainly hoping this behavior will continue, although Zac continues to insist nothing has changed...
Our Thanksgiving Fish from Seattle (on left)
Zephyr showing off his sleeping skills for his great grandmother Todd
I can't stop with the accordion pictures!!
Cousin Zoey and the fashion tips. (is there a band name in there?)