Eureka's Drawing, Zephyr playing his slide kid-tar
Zephyr joined Facebook this fall
Zephyr practices his cowpoke face
Zac and I yell at some non-tippers at this years Harvest Fest
Two out of three aint bad
Three monkeys
The Arkansas River in downtown Little Rock
Chef Eureka on her Easy Bake
This kid LOVES cars...
Zac tees off the Silver Baby Classic up in Athens, Ohio.
After everyone saw Zac play golf, we got to show them our REAL talents...
While Zac played golf, Zephyr worked on his dance moves.
Leaving for the trip at 5 in the morning.....
We put a new roof on the back porch of the house. We love co-roofing!
My new spinner clothesline. I am the talk of the neighborhood. First one ordered since 1957!
We spent Thanksgiving at deer camp with a slew of kids, obviously having a good time...
Canning some 'Arkansas Black' Applesauce.
The bunnies. Look calm huh? Don't turn your back. They'll chew anything. I mean ANYTHING. Which is exactly why they've gone to the bunny-sitter.
Zac's new hari coat.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder if the kids will eat all their ice-cream????
Yup. I guess so.
We spared no expense on this years Christmas Tree.
Eureka rides the mechanical bull at Jose's.
Eureka's Christmas present came early, in the form of chicken pox.
Which basically translated into bean bags. Chicken pox, bean bags. Sounds fair to me!
When the bean bags wore off, I bought the kids a trampoline.
Birthday Pinata
On your 5th birthday here in Garland County, one can get their own library card. One can also pay her own late fines.
Birthday bliss!!!!
Cake by the facile Karen Holcomb
After the sugar frenzy, Bill brought them back to earth with a reading of "War and Peace"
Princess Eureka's Harem
We moved from one gift giving event, right into Christmas in North Carolina.
What do you think these kids are doing???? Now jump ahead 10 years, I would definitely regret opening that door.
TV watching with new presents
All that love just wore the kids right out.
The hugs, the hugs will keep you coming back for more!!!
Did somebody say doughnuts??????
Kids tables. A good or a bad idea????
Orange trees!!!!
This is what happens when I don't turn around in the car for about an hour.....
That really impressed my parents when we got to Florida.
Zephyr gives ipod lessons upon our arrival in Florida
All the Roorda cousins
Which one is cuter?
Eureka's new cousin Addison adoring her
The Wakulla Springs boatride
Trouble trouble trouble
Zac and Dad exchanging recipes
Cheetos roasting on an open fire....(seriously)
more trouble. You absolutely cannot trust these kids...
Zephyr learns about winter creek walking.
The manatee!!!!