The kids on their first day of school. Stunned to be up before 9 A.M.
Eureka wondering if she was going to have to get up this early everyday.
Zephyr, relieved to have cars at school.
20 minutes after class started, Zephyr was found to have headlice, so they sent him home, and this was the treatment we could all agree on.
And this is what Zephyr would look like if he joined the marines.
Luckily, he is still a totally sweet kid.
Last Oktober, we had lots of new Oktoberfest gigs.
This was Harvest Fest, in Little Rock.
Eureka won the cakewalk at Harvest Fest!!
We played the Cakewalk!
Then we headed out to North Carolina, for Newtoween! Zac's dad, Newt, turned 70 this year!!
Still fun at 70!! If we could all be so lucky......
Nurse Zac and I played the party.
Unfortunately, even the head nurse has to do dishes.
And the birthday boy has to vacuum.
Headed to Deer Camp for Thanksgiving....
Oktoberfest in Roger, Arkansas. It was was absolutely freezing this day.
One of our favorite pasttimes here in Arkansas. You know, when we can't find a pig to eat.
What modern families do when they get together now.
Eureka and Luna Mae. Definitely the sweetest things at Deer Camp.
What sweet girls get up to at deer camp.
Trying her hand at teaching.
Halloween pink ladies.
Zephyr was a lady's bug man for Halloween.
Eureka making sure everything is just right....
Eureka was able to take Suzuki Violin lessons as part of her school year.
Zephyr tagged right along, and learned everything she learned....
Zephyr would rather make a joke than just about anything else. I wish I knew where he got that trait.
Eureka and baby Veda. (baby pictured is not mine)
The entirety of my Roorda family side, in Florida at Christmas '09
Proof that Zac's parents came to Florida
Eureka, practicing to be a lawyer, in her first case: Smith vs. Hot Wheels
Christmas dinner. We all know this one.
The all girl bead party. In our fanciest clothes.
Me, and my three brothers. Three amigos. I think I could still take 'em in a fair fight.
Eureka picking kumquats near Tallahassee.
Where's Zephyr???
Painting gourds in Tallahassee
Kids at Knollcrest in Tallahassee. This is my parents health insurance. Insurance that there will never be a day where they have nothing to do....(they bought this property, and unearthed this beautiful place out of the kudzu)
What makes a girl happy.
In Atlanta, Sophie, and the couch.
Everyone gets nervous when Hayley starts playing barbies with Zephyr.
Zephyr leading the sing-a-long at the Family Wash in Nashville, Tennessee on New Years Eve.
We had a few extra gigs this year at a german restaurant in Ft. Smith, ARK called Emmy's
See? It does snow in Arkansas!!!
We love the VOV! It is Yummy!!!
This year the VOV put on a Film Festival, where Eureka entered her first film, "Grocery Shopping". They say do what you know.
At a street festival we played in Columbia, Louisiana
This spring we were on TV to promote the Blooms Festival at Wildwood Park for the Arts. The kids were terrible, they decided to get in a fight while we were playing. I still haven't seen the footage.
The kids, at Blooms Festival.
Zephyr's school and Valentine's Day. Love!!!
This is our garden in the winter.
This is our garden in May.
How Zephyr stays warm in the winter.
Little bit of cool camping.
Impromptu naps at the cool campsite.
Sometimes your only pictures of the campsite are just a little unexciting.
Valentines Day party spread.
Check out the dental work on these kids!!!!
In Columbia, Louisiana.
The party, being devoured. This was eggnog Christmas party.
party kids!!!
The Zoppe's and Smith's all under one roof!
Garden Yield.
We went to a lot of awards ceremonies, but Eureka never got the award for Perfect Attendance.
The family out for Randy and Sheila's wedding!
later, that same night....
Our friend Joe needed a new roof.
And it looked so nice when it was done.
We returned the panels off the boat from the Solar Troller that our good friend Bob Nagy helped out with, the Ouachita Float Tour was officially done.
Eureka's class made t-shirts and went to the zoo. It was really hot. And I was a little hungry.
attemping to plumb the well in. The fruit of last years labors.
We did another gig with the Zoppe's in Ridgeland, Mississippi.
Mom and Dad Roorda came out, and hung out with the circus kids.
Zephyr got another go at Bulgy the Whale.
Our favorite Carney, "Smoky" was the attendant.
Baby Julien.
The kids, warming up for their show in the tent....
No circus is complete without some kind of natural disaster.
Luckily, the tent held.
Zephyr helped himself to a couple of train rides, one time we had to get the police to bring him back.
Zephyr, the new 5. Big five.
Zac and Zephyr's birthday cake....
When you turn 5 in Garland County, you get your own library card. Here is the evidence.
Circus kids.
Zephyr, putting up his Christmas gourds.
There is Mom, making sure they go up right....
Zephyr, hitting the karaoke machine at KidsFest.
After bribery from Tito, Zephyr braved the removal of the training wheels, and is now a trick rider.
Here are the kids getting ready for the Da Vinci awards.
Eureka with her Di Vinci award for being pretty much the best kid ever.
Zephyr and Zac loading in for the violin concert. Zephyr had practiced so hard that Mrs. Jorgensen let him in the concert, the only four year old, I might add.
Look at those two!!! You can't tell which is mine? What????? You can see the brilliance by clicking here. (turn down your sound)
Then there was the dance show....Our little ballerina!
Dancing boyzzzzz
And our little mermaid!!
Then we had another graduation ceremony for the kids over at Bill and Shea's house.
With our keynote speaker, Bob Nagy.
Graduation Day!
The kids who all did the best they could this year, whatever they were doing. Go kids!!!
Ooops! The Easter Hike picture!
And another lovely visit from the Michael Garlington.....