Spring 2008 This Spring was mayhem around here. It started when we roofed our gargage, the next day a tree fell on our shed, the next day we left for the circus up in Milwaukee, the next day we got fired, the next day we hung out, and liked it so much we are still hanging out. The kids have blasted off the summer with a week in North Carolina, and me and Zac are tearing down that shed.
Eureka's Birth Lily, still at it!!
Circus Peg Art
Avion Central at our first circus gig of the year in Ridgeland, Mississippi
Zac's parents/sister/nieces and my mother and father-in-law, my sister-in-law and nieces came out to visit us in Mississippi.
Take these kids to the circus, and they play in dirt. Go figure.
Eureka as Super Pickle.
Zephyr as Super Sausage
(the kids came up with these names, I swear!!!!)
Back in Hot Springs, Zac tried to run away with the kids. I had to run him down on my jet-ski.
a Eureka/Zac/Zephyr original. This is what they do when I leave town.
We sold both Mercedes' to a dude name Zac Smith. No kidding!
Zephyr has a long road ahead of him.
Who dressed these two????
Kid Art. by Eureka.
This is the garage before......
This is the garage after! Just a little paint.....
The very next day, a tree fell on the shed. This is the building just to the left of the garage on the pictures above.
We didn't even notice!!!! We were sure surprised when we turned around. Musta had that rock-n-roll too loud.
See anything you want?
The Activated Storytellers dropped by, to show us what we have to look forward to with teenagers.
They have a kid named Zephyr too, we are going to start a club!!!
A Zephyr mentoring system.
Zac and Zephyr had their bday on the 17th of May.
Cake by the illustrious Karen Holcomb.
Zephyr got a tricycle. Zac got to put it together.
Then we made the kids wait too long to eat the cake.
Birthday Boys
Aliens came and kidnapped some partygoers.
After a month of fun, it was time to get going again. We headed north to Milwaukee. This is Zac in the circus tent truck, out of gas.
Good fun!!!
Taken from our trailer, in Milwaukee we only lasted one day on the lot. After a long drive up full of errors of all sorts, tempers were short on the lot, and when push came to shove, we shoved off. You can get the full details in our memoir, "The Day Giovanni Started Treating us Like Family"
We headed right downtown to the Miller plant, where we drowned our confusion and elation and sorrows in a can of Miller.
Zac explains the reason why.
We picked up a gig in Minneapolis on our way home.
Caught up with some old friends with new kids.
This is exactly why Zephyr had a good time at the gig.
Zephyr and Finley, more kids of kids we love!
In Kansas City, Missouri
Back in Hot Springs, we are all practicing our scales. The kids are showing us what it is like to practice.