Lots of card playing in the winter around here.
Easy Bake Eat all the Cookie Dough
What comes next?
Naked ipod playing
Zac playing his new Stroh violin along with his helicon.
The kids on their way to Grandma's. No, that is not Grandma in the rocker.
Toy time with Otto Maddock.
There is grandma!
Zephyr using his best manners in the fancy restaurant in New Orleans that mom took us to. I'm sure next time it will be McDonalds. Oh well.
You can loan the kids out for a week, but when you get them home, you have to hold them for three days. At least they are still cute.
Gallery Walk at Dryden Pottery.
Boys in the sandbox.
The warring tribe of Whittington Avenue.
Eureka's dry erase board art has taken new forms.
Along with her graffitti career.
We got a new sidewalk in our front yard this spring! Now it floods!!! Cool!
Zephyr passed out at the BrauHaus from too much schnitzel.
St. Patrick's Day parade VOV bike ride....
Bike contest winners Zack and Jennifer Dryden
This was an outfit my mom made for my brothers when they were kids....
Easter Egg hunt in the basement on a rainy Sunday.
Zephyr loves his new race car 4 wheeler
Eureka's first fishing try
Tilling our plot for the first time......
Planting the garden
Three months later we are harvesting food!
I even made a rock garden!
Our new boat.
They say the two happiest days of your life are when you buy the boat, and when you sell the boat. I wonder if they meant us?