Roadside break in Texas. First time we let the kids out of the car....
This is basically what we did for 5,000 miles. Hot Springs-Seattle-Hot Springs
When we got to Denver, the biggest hit was the 1 cent horse ride at the King Supers. After this the kids were ready to come back home.
The kids about to enter TinyTown.
Eureka busted a bunch of barbies playing saloon. (or was this a brothel??)
We picked up Annastasia and went out to the mountains to find Bill and Shea. They were holed up in Rifle after a string of bank robberies, hiding from the feds.
Finally! The left coast. Where they put bacon on their donuts but don't let you smoke outside.
Yes, those are cocoa puffs on Zephyr's donut.
Zac, showing the kids how to get surly Portlanders to glare at you.
The road crew at the home of Lane and Flora
Seattle!! Hayley's house, where we consumed mucho Salmon.
The weather was gorgeous at the Seattle Center.
Zephyr pointing out landmarks to Eureka on the monorail.
Art! Everywhere!
A few of my friends multiplied while we were gone.
Showing the kids how cool we used to be when we lived in Seattle.
In Boise, Idaho the kids enjoyed the heat again by taking off all their clothes and running around nekked.
The trailer we hauled back for our friend Mo.
When we got the trailer back to Arkansas safely, Mo threw a party of colored food for the kids.
Somehow that brought out their creative spirit
The owner of the trailer, Mo, also does fashion. The show inspired these outfits...
And here is the nuclear family.
After too much fashion and travel, we like to get back to nature. This was our first attempt at canoe camping.
Had a nice visit from Daddy Treetops. He showed the kids how to tune a g string.
The Ouachita River, camping expedition summer finale
How to keep the mosquitos away.
The last ice cream cone of summer. The last camping trip of summer. The last day of summer.The last time we would be happy this year. Time to bundle up and turn in. Visciously depressing.