Welcome to summer!!! Let's get out and play!
Starting the summer with the Hot Springs Music Festival! It is officially summer when you get to watch music students from all over the USA hovering over their instrument cases to guard them from the heat.
We also got the house rewired this summer. The name of our electrician? Stoney Lane. That is an awesome name.
Then to make up for all our past grievances, we sent the kids to VBS. Front and center, yeah!!!
After VBS, we got all of that sittin' out of our system by checking out Kian's totally cool bike.
Self portrait into the wart. Future beer of america.
Zephyr, age 7, 2012
Eureka, age 8, 2012
Presenting, THE ARKANSAS PEACH!!!!!
So school ends, and what do the kids do????
Visitors from the FAR east, hello and welcome!!!
So. Then we headed to North Carolina, to celebrate Newt & June's 50th Wedding Anniversary. From this moment on, it was the theme of the summer. This is Zac and Zephyr, in preparation for the party, cleaning windows. I suspect there might have been a few extra things on the list, since there were a few extra willing workers.
At night, we would all rest after the preparations had been made.
This is the Anniversary Quilt!
Practice for the party!
Eureka. Tinky Winky.
Then the day of the party arrived! And the next 5 hours are a little blurry!
We had security on hand.
All that practice paid off!!!!
Then, we left the kids for a week for Cousin Camp, then another week for Music Camp, and then we headed easterly.
First things first, hitting the donut shop in Chapel Hill.....
While we were apart for two weeks, Zephyr managed to extract enough cash out of the relatives to buy his X Wing Fighter Lego set. Then we had to hide him out so he could put it together. Woah!
Crazy Breakfast at Adrienne and Barry's house Whoo hoo!
Washington D.C. Train balance, Zephyr was up for the challenge.
Our D.C. hosts, Wally and Silas. We had one heck of a 24 hour stay in D.C.!
Do you like my hat??
Smithsonian Payphone Installation
You know, you can take your kids to some the world's most famous attractions, but lets face it. Nothing is quite as fun as a people mover. This was the hit of the city for them.
Ah, the beauty of the city!
Zipped up to Manhattan. Mike Murray, shine on you crazy star!
Beaches of Connecticut. Couldn't help but notice none of the locals were swimming. Probably because they were all at work.
Benji and Meagan with baby Emma.
Pretty much what we looked like for about 4,000 miles this summer.
Vermont. Glover. Bread and Puppet Museum.
Vermont Farm House. Justin and Rose. No trip to Vermont is complete without flapjacks with maple syrup from the backyard.
Erin Bell! What are you doing in MY Minivan!!!!!
Lounging downtown Burlington Vermont, getting ready to panhandle.
Camping in Quebec, where even the mosquitos were too good to bite us.
Canadian Beavers have it so good.
And finally! We arrive at family vacation destination #1!! That is the Egan houseboat rentals where you can witness a portion of the Trent-Severn Waterway in Ontario, Canada! Between Newt & June, and the Courtney & Mark family, there were ten of us, on two boats. Watch out!!!
We managed to find a campspot that looked like Arkansas, right there in Canada!! Who knew!! There was even a drunk bald guy who wouldn't take our money! Just like Arkansas!!
The week looked a lot like this, kids perched in dangerious places eating ice cream. Yeah for summer!!!
And swimming with the Loons and the Beavers!!!
With Captain Anybody steering, we made the yachters pretty darn nervous!!!
They even let the kids open a lock! Canadian lawyers must be SLACK!
Newt & June at the Peterborough Lift Lock, the pinnacle of our nautical adventure!
On the way up, we played a tune, you can watch it happen here!
And if you had been on the trip with us, you would have seen Zac, the man with all the direction, herding us from place to place, as we would get easily distracted and bump into each other and stop walking and LOOK at things, and he would lose his patience and herd us towards our goal.
The kids at the Canoe Museum in Peterborough. Fishing like their lives depended on it.
Yes, it came to this.
Had to see Niagara Falls!!
and stare a little......
A little roadweary, and a little hungry, the waitress (who could not operate a digital camera and called over another waitress to actually take the photo) insisted that we take a picture in what she considered to be one of the last mom and pop shops in Ohio somewhere.
And on the way home, we ran into my parents in Columbus Ohio! Do those kids look tired or what??!?!?!