Even thought this was technically spring, it certainly looks the most wintery...
This is what we got Zephyr for Christmas
Boatride in Wakulla Springs, FL
Manatee before we killed it with our propeller (just kidding)
Princess Eureka eats a mango.
Zac keeping the home fires burning
For Christmas we also got a thomas track, we just keep it at the library to be nice.
Eureka on her way to work.
Zephyr heading out west to seek his fortune.
Here is Joe, our favorite babysitter
This is what happens when you put two two year olds in a room together. The faceoff.
This is how you have a picnic in Arkansas.
Sometimes for a special treat, we drag out an old mattress for the kids to play on.
Bad actor
The start of my children's failed rock-n-roll careers.
At home, everyone is a super STAR
At the start of spring, our neighbor came over and tilled up our former dump site, to help us decompose the battery acid
The "new kitchen" party was lost on the kids.
But not on the adults. We served 16 pizzas, and raised millions of dollars for local charities.
Zephyr's new quilt
This is exactly how fun you have to be in order to be the kids favorites.
Roorda family new years day madness in FL
Zac the preacher performs his second wedding. St. Patrick's Day
This is seconds before the wheelbarrow tipped over teaching the kids a valuable physics lesson.
We got to have lunch at the Zoppe' Family Headquarters, that took most of the winter.
An outing to Pine Bluff brought us to the donut shop.
The hardest part about being a kid is deciding which one.
Easter Egg Hunt at Bob and Karens
Coconut Cream Pie (reward for egg hunt winner)
Proof that Anastasia Wrokman came to visit us.
The Low Key Arts building, which has been brought up from a garbage heap, I'm so proud of Bill and Shea, I just had to put this picture up.
When we got the news that Oma died, Giovanni was very moved, and told us we could go to the funeral just as soon as we got the circus tent truck out.
Success! And then we got to pull an all nighter to Ontario.
Eureka's art, inspired by the funeral environment
See ramp-must run. Why kids are good for funerals.
This road trip turned Eureka's bear into a super-bear.
My mom and her sister, hotel birthday party
Zac's new tuba, and his new tuba friend, Dan Schultz in Indiana.
Flooding in the mid-south, our view of a road under water (not our road)