Zac's idea of a mellow afternoon.
and why I don't even want to know what was happening here......
While in Asheville, we got to play on the Lazoom bus, and Bethannie was there to make everything look so pretty!!
Picnic on the backporch with fresh corn on the cob!!
Belt Building with Bob
And the finished product looks so great!
We played at the Terrapin Brewery in Athens, GA-the hottest gig we have ever played. Record sweating all around.....
While the kids were at Cousin Camp with the grandparents, we helped Mark and Courtney build their dream pizza restaurant. Ok, well, we did a couple of days of work, but we like to think we made it all happen. Try it out, it is the best pizza in the whole wide world, no, solar system.
The kids would have preferred pizza, but they got a construction site instead.
While we were 'helping', a tree hit our front windshield. It is just one of the hidden costs of hiring family.
The kids got pretty good on the back-hoe this summer.
Watch out for this sinister young man....
And before you know it, it is off to school!! Zephyr started kindergarten, and Eureka hit first grade. Go kids!!!!