Austin, Texas-Eureka

Austin, Texas
by Eureka
First we drove a train to Austin from Dallas.  Then we visited our friends Moody and Mychal too. and Edy, and Dana and Brad and Chloe and Alex and Tori, and Paul and Dorothy. It was a blast! We even saw Moody’s crazy house, I loved it because it was so colorful.

We went to Flipnotics, it was fun too! We went to an ethiopian restaurant and had some crazy food. I felt hyper and crazy, it had a huge mirror and it was empty and then people one by one came in the restaurant. It was fun and then we went to Cheer Up Charlie’s and I was really bored and tired, it was really boring and my parents didn’t even play there even though they were supposed to. But they didn’t. and it rained so hard and there were restaurants that looked like a trailer! It was fun.

I even went to Mychal’s studio and got a leather book, and Edy came over the next day and gave me a leather wallet for free!  Both of them for free! And the journal was little and cute and it even had handmade paper in it. And it was dark pink. I liked it a whole lot and my wallet was purple. I liked it a whole lot, too.

We even went into Paul and Dorothy’s apartment house thingy madingy. It was like a gigantic humungous closet! Except with a kitchen and a TV and a computer.  It was really great.  I got to eat bread with butter and also some grapes, it was really fun!