Day 16 of 45 finds us heading into Oakland, CA. We stayed in the bay area for almost a week before heading out on the California Zephyr to Sacramento, and then north.
Day 30 we are heading east on the Empire Builder out of Seattle.
Back on the train.
First things first, we stop in the shop of Bill Denham,, who is running this great shop, and when you need beautifully printed cards on a letter press done by a real person, he is your guy.
Later that same night, or the next night (I can't remember) we had a party at Moez' house in Oakland. Shannon came, and we partied all night, or at least till it got dark and the kids got tired. Ok, really, the adults got tired, and by 8:30 everyone was yawning. And I seriously think it was my fault, but I blamed the kids anyways.
The next day we moved over into the city. The San Francisco city. The mission region of the city. And stayed at the Chez Poulet, compliments of Chicken John.
Downtown San Francisco!
Our gig at Ritial Roasters
The sleeping quarters for the kids.
The fam, down at Fishermans Wharf
Dream on!!
Karen's house for lunch....
Later that same day, jamming out, mission style!!
Acadia Cafe in the mission in San Fran, started the gig with two people in the room, ended with a mob!
Museum Mechanique! What a fun joint!!
Monkey Man buskers down by the waterfront....
Zephyr, loving every minute of our set!
He loves this song!!!
Leaving Oakland, heading east on the CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR!!!!!
Arriving Sacramento....
The beautiful Sacramento train station
Just a great station to push a cart around in....
Downtown Sacramento....
Luckily, we found the french film festival, and busked outside to an audience of accordion lovers! Great way to spend 12 hours in San Francisco!!
In Old Sacramento....
By the end of the day, the kids were tuckered. They fell asleep, good thing because the train came at midnight. Northward!!
Klamath Falls, Oregon. 7:32 A.M.
We landed a nice gig in Klamath Falls, down at the brewery. Played for dinner and a bunch of nice folks!
Zac almost split his pants to play this traditional russian tune.
Luckily our friends showed up just in time to go to bed. So much for them taking us out to dinner....
The next day we woke up early and headed to Eugene, Oregon.
The kids enjoyed pushing carts around the Eugene station too.
Yes, we ARE in the pacific northwest.
The kids drank a bunch of Sprite while we played our gig.
We were met by the Eugene Anarchy Accordions Anonymous group. What a homecoming!!!
Wreckless musicians!!!
On the train between Eugene and Portland, we were given sunstones. The state gem of Oregon.
How we go mobile.
The next day we arrived in Portland, Oregon.
Flora came out and met us at the station.
We went back to her house and listened to Eureka telling stories of her big adventure.
Went down to the street fair, and bought some hats!
Then we went and played a gig at this place for some other bands.
The kids played on a pretty playground in Portland with Zac, while I went out and did some yoga.
Dude, look at our hats....
Yeah! A new train line! The Cascades to Seattle.
Aaah, Seattle. I still love that city!
I turned 37 in Seattle. I've also turned 27, 28, and a bunch of other ages in Seattle. None of them seem to be younger.
Baby monitors can be very frightening....
Ted and his bathtub bike.
Ted and his bathtub baby.
We took the ferry out to Bainbridge Island, just to do it.
Spent a few late nights at the Pink Door...
The kids occupied themselves at the Pink Door...
Ballard Locks. Yeah, man. Peace.
Married too long, we strike the same pose after the same song. Hmmmmmmm!
Our adorable fans, at the Pink Door.
Dr. Seuss trees at the Ballard Locks.
First thing we did when we hit town was hit up Jill's garage sale....
The second thing we did was eat a bunch of grilled salmon.
Then we pushed a bunch of carts around the train station.
Then we went to Dick's for some midnight burgers. Go summer!!